GDP Gross Domestic Product Projections 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, Country Profiles - Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System, Flags, Maps geographic.ORG

Top 10 GDP Countries 2000-2050

This table shows the top 10 countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) expressed in billions of US$, for the years 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050, listed by projected 2050 rank.
SOURCE: Goldman Sachs

2050 Rank Country Name 2000 GDP 2010 GDP 2020 GDP 2030 GDP 2040 GDP 2050 GDP
1  CHN China 1078 2998 7070 14312 26439 44453
*  EU European Union * 9395 12965 16861 21075 28323 35288
2  USA United States 9825 13271 16415 20833 27229 35165
3  IND India 469 929 2104 4935 12367 27803
4  JPN Japan 4176 4601 5221 5810 6039 6673
5  BRA Brazil 762 668 1333 2189 3740 6074
6  RUS Russia 391 847 1741 2980 4467 5870
7  UK United Kingdom 1437 1876 2285 2649 3201 3782
8  GER Germany 1875 2212 2524 2697 3147 3603
9  FRA France 1311 1622 1930 2267 2668 3148
10  ITA Italy 1078 1337 1553 1671 1788 2061
* European Union GDP, which I calculated myself, is shown for comparison, but not ranked.

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Copyright © 2005 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved).
Revised 27-Jun-05
