Refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees (refugees and IDPs), stateless persons,
and others of concern to UNHCR by country/territory of asylum, end-2007
Ranked by country, highest to lowest total
See notes below the table for explanations* This table can be viewed correctly only with MS Internet Explorer

Colombia11 168 - 168 88 14 3,000,000 - 11 - 3,000,281
Iraq 42,354 - 42,354 2,413 45,420 2,385,865 36,000 130,000 - 2,642,052
Dem. Rep. Congo 177,390 - 177,390 100 59,835 1,317,879 1000000 - - 2,555,204
Uganda17 228,959 - 228,959 5,776 6 1,235,992 579,000 - - 2,049,733
Pakistan14 887273 1147750 2035023 3,125 6 - - - - 2,038,154
Syria12 1503769 - 1503769 5,884 24 - - 300,000 - 1,809,677
Sudan 222,722 - 222,722 7,324 130,693 1,250,000 84,834 - - 1,695,573
Nepal 128,181 2,500 130,681 1,633 - 50,000 50,000 800,000 141 1,032,455
Somalia 901 - 901 8,709 2,214 1,000,000 - - - 1,011,824
Iran 963,546 - 963,546 1,188 9 - - - - 964,743
Myanmar - - - - - 67,290 - 723,571 - 790,861
Cote d'Ivoire 24,647 - 24,647 1,784 27 709,048 180 - - 735,686
Azerbaijan 2,352 - 2,352 75 - 686,586 - 2,078 431 691,522
Germany 578,879 - 578,879 34,063 - - - 9,091 - 622,033
Sri Lanka 182 - 182 198 2,000 459,567 158,600 - - 620,547
Afghanistan 42 - 42 4 373,856 153,718 8,012 - - 535,632
Jordan12 500,281 - 500,281 367 1 - - 9 - 500,658
Chad 294,017 - 294,017 48 41 178,918 - - - 473,024
Tanzania 435,630 - 435,630 308 - - - - - 435,938
Latvia 29 - 29 15 - - - 372,622 - 372,666
Kenya 265,729 - 265,729 5,765 1 - - 100,000 - 371,495
United States 281,219 - 281,219 83,884 - - - - - 365,103
Serbia 97,995 - 97,995 12 865 226,350 1,631 - - 326,853
Saudi Arabia 240,742 - 240,742 293 - - - 70,000 - 311,035
United Kingdom 299,718 - 299,718 10,900 - - - 205 - 310,823
China 301,078 - 301,078 70 1 - - - 22 301,171
Ecuador 14,903 250,004 264,907 27,414 1 - - - - 292,322
Georgia 1,047 - 1,047 10 - 273,193 - 1,340 - 275,590
Lebanon 50,266 71 50,337 582 - 70,000 130,000 - - 250,919
Russia 1,655 - 1,655 3,080 260 189,274 1,141 51,296 2,893 249,599
Canada 175,741 - 175,741 37,513 - - - - - 213,254
Cent African Rep 7,535 - 7,535 1,970 18 197,000 5,000 - - 211,523
Venezuela 907 200,000 200,907 9,602 5 - - - - 210,514
South Africa15 36,736 - 36,736 170,865 - - - - - 207,601
Yemen 117,363 - 117,363 717 - 77,000 - - - 195,080
France 151,789 - 151,789 31,051 - - - 948 - 183,788
India 161,537 - 161,537 2,429 - - - - - 163,966
Bosnia+Herzeg. 7,367 - 7,367 627 3,092 130,984 4,516 - - 146,586
Malaysia 32,243 415 32,658 6,851 - - - 40,001 61,314 140,824
Thailand 125,643 - 125,643 13,484 - - - - - 139,127
Kuwait 159 38,000 38,159 701 - - - 91,000 - 129,860
Estonia 18 - 18 6 - - - 116,248 - 116,272
Zambia 112,931 - 112,931 28 - - - - - 112,959
Egypt 97,556 - 97,556 14,885 - - - 74 - 112,515
Sweden 75,078 - 75,078 27,723 - - - 5,571 - 108,372
Netherlands 86,587 - 86,587 5,840 - - - 4,461 - 96,888
Algeria10 94,137 - 94,137 1,597 1 - - - - 95,735
Ethiopia 85,183 - 85,183 185 27 - - - - 85,395
Timor-Leste16 1 - 1 4 - 62,625 9,965 - - 72,595
Burundi 24,468 15 24,483 7,531 39,817 - - - - 71,831
Austria 30,773 - 30,773 38,442 - - - 472 - 69,687
Ukraine 2,277 5,000 7,277 1,302 - - - 58,704 - 67,283
Rwanda 53,577 - 53,577 728 9,501 - - - - 63,806
Cameroon 60,137 - 60,137 2,157 3 - - - - 62,297
Switzerland 45,653 - 45,653 10,745 - - - 80 - 56,478
Liberia 10,458 8 10,466 95 44,359 - - - - 54,920
Congo 38,472 - 38,472 4,793 153 - - - - 43,418
Norway 34,522 - 34,522 6,677 - - - 231 - 41,430
Italy 38,068 - 38,068 1,500 - - - 886 - 40,454
Ghana 34,958 - 34,958 444 - - - - - 35,402
Belgium 17,575 - 17,575 15,247 - - - 468 - 33,290
Greece 2,228 - 2,228 28,463 - - - 108 - 30,799
Mauritania 971 29,500 30,471 25 - - - - - 30,496
Guinea 25,226 - 25,226 4,025 - - - - - 29,251
Denmark 26,788 - 26,788 560 - - - 796 - 28,144
Bangladesh 27,573 - 27,573 53 - - - - - 27,626
Angola 12,069 - 12,069 2,921 12,017 - - - - 27,007
Montenegro13 8,528 - 8,528 2 - 16,155 137 - - 24,822
Australia 22,164 - 22,164 1,516 - - - - - 23,680
Senegal 20,421 - 20,421 2,538 - - - - - 22,959
Brazil 3,783 17,000 20,783 427 - - - - - 21,210
Costa Rica 11,604 5,586 17,190 511 - - - - - 17,701
Panama 1,890 15,000 16,890 530 - - - 2 - 17,422
Poland 10,053 - 10,053 5,940 - - - 74 - 16,067
Gambia 14,895 - 14,895 2 1 - - - - 14,898
Ireland 9,333 - 9,333 4,400 - - - - - 13,733
Cyprus 1,194 - 1,194 11,892 - - - - - 13,086
Gabon 8,826 - 8,826 4,260 - - - - - 13,086
Turkey 6,956 - 6,956 5,189 164 - - - 306 12,615
Kazakhstan 4,285 - 4,285 70 - - - 7,856 - 12,211
Mali 9,203 - 9,203 1,910 - - - - - 11,113
Belarus 649 - 649 10 - - - 8,025 2,416 11,100
Kyrgyzstan 370 353 723 715 - - - 9,480 - 10,918
Papua N. Guinea 10,003 - 10,003 9 - - - - - 10,012
Hungary 8,131 - 8,131 1,565 - - - 241 - 9,937
Malawi 2,929 - 2,929 6,782 - - - - - 9,711
Viet Nam 2,357 - 2,357 - 64 - - 7,200 - 9,621
Sierra Leone 8,795 - 8,795 226 364 - - - - 9,385
Nigeria 8,460 - 8,460 700 110 - - - - 9,270
Turkmenistan 125 - 125 16 - - - 8,500 - 8,641
Guinea-Bissau 7,860 - 7,860 343 - - - - - 8,203
Benin 7,621 - 7,621 536 - - - - - 8,157
Croatia 1,642 - 1,642 54 2,137 2,873 1,102 18 - 7,826
Namibia 6,525 - 6,525 1,205 53 - - - - 7,783
Djibouti 6,651 - 6,651 487 - - - - - 7,138
Eritrea 5,031 11 5,042 2,019 - - - - - 7,061
Finland 6,204 - 6,204 721 - - - 68 - 6,993
Mozambique 2,767 - 2,767 4,161 1 - - - - 6,929
Israel 1,156 - 1,156 5,762 - - - - - 6,918
Libya 4,098 - 4,098 2,777 - - - - - 6,875
Lithuania 688 - 688 29 - - - 5,900 - 6,617
Bulgaria 4,836 - 4,836 1,012 - - - - - 5,848
Spain 5,147 - 5,147 - - - - 20 - 5,167
Japan 1,794 - 1,794 1,515 - - - 1,717 - 5,026
Togo 1,328 - 1,328 132 3,398 - - - - 4,858
Armenia 4,566 - 4,566 98 - - - - - 4,664
Zimbabwe 3,981 - 3,981 543 - - - - - 4,524
Slovenia 263 - 263 55 - - - 4,090 - 4,408
Argentina 3,263 - 3,263 1,087 - - - - - 4,350
Czech Rep. 2,037 - 2,037 2,186 - - - - - 4,223
Malta 3,000 - 3,000 861 - - - - - 3,861
Botswana 2,465 - 2,465 4 - - - - 473 2,942
Luxembourg 2,737 - 2,737 38 - - - 154 - 2,929
New Zealand 2,740 - 2,740 176 - - - - - 2,916
TFYR Macedonia 1,164 71 1,235 171 - - - 537 454 2,397
Romania 1,757 - 1,757 166 - - - 257 - 2,180
Hong Kong, China 97 - 97 1,924 - - - - - 2,021
Chile 1,376 - 1,376 518 - - - - - 1,894
Moldova 151 - 151 79 - - - 1,663 - 1,893
Slovakia 279 - 279 584 - - - 911 - 1,774
Mexico 1,616 - 1,616 49 - - - - - 1,665
Peru 995 - 995 540 - - - - - 1,535
Tajikistan 1,133 - 1,133 144 - - - 249 - 1,526
Morocco 786 - 786 671 - - - - - 1,457
Rep. of Korea 118 - 118 1,155 - - - - - 1,273
Burkina Faso 535 - 535 598 - - - - - 1,133
Uzbekistan 1,054 - 1,054 - 6 - - 6 - 1,066
Swaziland 789 - 789 252 - - - - - 1,041
Bolivia 632 - 632 162 - - - - - 794
Cuba 615 - 615 14 8 - - - - 637
Indonesia 315 - 315 211 - - - - - 526
Cambodia 179 - 179 239 - - - - - 418
Guatemala 379 - 379 2 - - - - - 381
Belize 358 - 358 2 - - - - - 360
Portugal 353 - 353 - - - - - - 353
Niger 319 - 319 19 - - - - - 338
Philippines 106 - 106 31 - - - - 165 302
Liechtenstein 283 - 283 14 - - - - - 297
Un. Ar. Emirates 159 - 159 64 - - - - - 223
Nicaragua 184 - 184 25 - - - - - 209
Uruguay 140 - 140 37 - - - - - 177
Tunisia 101 - 101 54 1 - - - - 156
Trinidad+Tobago 22 - 22 103 - - - - - 125
Albania 77 - 77 22 2 - - - - 101
Qatar 46 - 46 44 - - - - - 90
Iceland 49 - 49 35 - - - 1 - 85
Mongolia 5 - 5 3 - - - 75 - 83
Paraguay 62 - 62 14 - - - - - 76
Oman 7 - 7 41 - - - - - 48
El Salvador 39 - 39 5 - - - - - 44
Honduras 22 - 22 21 - - - - - 43
Various - - - - 38 - - - - 38
Bahrain - - - 35 - - - - - 35
Singapore 10 - 10 24 - - - - - 34
Occ. Palestinian - - - - 23 - - - - 23
Equatorial Guinea - - - - 3 - - - - 3
Saint Lucia - - - 3 - - - - - 3
Haiti 1 - 1 1 - - - - - 2
Micronesia 2 - 2 - - - - - - 2
Fiji - - - 1 - - - - - 1
Suriname 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1
Vanuatu 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1
Comoros - - - - - - - - - -
Laos - - - - - - - - - -
Lesotho - - - - - - - - - -
Madagascar - - - - - - - - - -
Mauritius - - - - - - - - - -
Sao Tome+Princ. - - - - - - - - - -
Total 9679649 1711284 11390933 739,986 730,640 13740317 2070118 2937315 68,615 31,677,924
The data are generally provided by Governments, based on their own definitions and methods of data collection.
A dash (-) indicates that the value is zero, not available or not applicable.
1 Country or territory of asylum or residence.
2 Persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the
UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection. In the absence of
Government estimates, UNHCR has estimated the refugee population in 24 industrialized countries based on 10 years of individual
refugee recognition.
3 This category is descriptive in nature and includes groups of persons who are outside their country or territory of origin and who
face protection risks similar to those of refugees, but for whom refugee status has, for practical or other reasons, not been ascertained.
4 Persons whose application for asylum or refugee status is pending at any stage in the asylum procedure.
5 Refugees who have returned to their place of origin during the calendar year. Source: Country of origin and asylum.
6 Persons who are displaced within their country and to whom UNHCR extends protection and/or assistance. It also includes people
in IDP-like situations. This category is descriptive in nature and includes groups of persons who are inside their country of nationality
or habitual residence and who face protection risks similar to those of IDPs but who, for practical or other reasons, could not be
reported as such.
7 IDPs protected/assisted by UNHCR who have returned to their place of origin during the calendar year.
8 Refers to persons who are not considered nationals by any State under the operation of its laws. See table 8 for footnotes.
9 Refers to individuals who do not necessarily fall directly into any of the other groups but to whom UNHCR may extend its protection
and/or assistance services. These activities might be based on humanitarian or other special grounds.
10 According to the Government of Algeria, there are an estimated 165,000 Sahrawi refugees in the Tindouf camps.
11 According to the Constitutional Court of Colombia, there are serious discrepancies between the real magnitude of the situation and
the figures of the national registration system. In a latest Order of Compliance to the Landmark Judgment on Displacement, the Court
cites the Director of the Agencia Presidencial de Accion Social y la Cooperacion Internacional who acknowledged in public statements
that IDP figures in Colombia are close to 3 million (Order of Compliance 218, dated 11 August 2006, related to the Landmark Judgment
12 Refugee figures for Iraqis in Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic are Government estimates.
13 Although counted as IDPs here (and officially referred to as such by the Montenegrin Government), this population consists of persons
displaced from Serbia (Kosovo) who are not being accorded the same rights as Montenegrin citizens in practice.
14 Total refugee figures for Pakistan include recognized Afghan refugees (1,700), registered Afghans in refugee villages who are assisted
by UNHCR (886,700), and registered Afghans outside refugee villages who are living in a “refugee-like” situation (1,147,500). Individuals in
all categories have been issued a Proof of Registration Card by the Government of Pakistan. Following the completion of the registration
exercise in 2007, those living outside refugee villages are now in the “refugee-like” category. They do not receive direct UNHCR material
assistance but they benefit from advocacy and upon return reintegration support.
15 Asylum-seekers (pending cases) refers to 89,000 undecided cases at first instance (at the end of 2007) and 82,000 in the backlog
procedure (at the end of 2006; no update available).
16 UNHCR's assistance activites for IDPs in Timor-Leste ended in July 2007.
17 The IDP figure at the end of 2007 represents the remaining IDP population in camps and transit sites. They remain of concern to UNHCR
together with those 579,000 who have already returned to their villages.
Source: UNHCR/Governments.
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