Water Footprints of Nations 2004 - Rank - Countries Rankings

Water Footprints of Nations 2004 - Country Rankings
SOURCE: UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

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   WATER FOOTPRINTS OF COUNTRIES 2004 - Ranked Smallest to Largest
                  Units are Gm3/yr = trillion cubic meters per year

			        Renewable     Internal     External        Total
			           Water          Water       Water         Water
Rank	Country		        Resources     Footprint   Footprint     Footprint
-------     ------------------------------------       -----------------      ----------      ----------      ---------- 
    1	Barbados			0.08	0.16	0.2	0.36
    2	Iceland			170	0.14	0.23	0.37
    3	Belize			18.56	0.35	0.04	0.39
    4	Cape Verde		0.3	0.36	0.06	0.43
    5	Suriname			122	0.48	0.03	0.51
    6	Qatar			0.05	0.19	0.43	0.62
    7	Malta			0.05	0.1	0.65	0.75
    8	Bahrain			0.12	0.16	0.61	0.77
    9	Bhutan			95	0.73	0.1	0.83
   10	Fiji Islands			28.55	0.96	0.05	1.00
   11	Botswana			14.4	0.56	0.47	1.03
   12	Namibia			17.94	1.05	0.13	1.19
   13	Swaziland			4.51	1.04	0.22	1.26
   14	Trinidad & Tobago		3.84	0.73	0.61	1.35
   15	Mauritius			2.21	0.65	0.95	1.59
   16	Guyana			241	1.49	0.11	1.60
   17	Latvia			35.45	0.93	0.7	1.63
   18	Cyprus			0.78	0.59	1.08	1.67
   19	Gabon			164	1.26	0.47	1.72
   20	Gambia			8	1.28	0.47	1.75
   21	Kuwait			0.02	0.28	1.9	2.18
   22	Jamaica			9.4	1.78	0.83	2.61
   23	Panama			147.98	2.11	0.66	2.77
   24	Armenia			10.53	2.16	0.66	2.81
   25	Mauritania			11.4	2.64	0.99	3.63
   26	Oman			0.99	0.91	2.92	3.83
   27	Albania			41.7	2.75	1.09	3.84
   28	Lithuania			24.9	2.47	1.5	3.97
   29	Central African Republic	144.4	3.95	0.05	4.00
   30	Nicaragua			196.69	3.53	0.57	4.10
   31	Georgia			63.33	3.92	0.25	4.17
   32	Liberia			232	4.04	0.22	4.27
   33	Costa Rica		112.4	3.44	0.89	4.33
   34	Sierra Leone		160	4.31	0.15	4.46
   35	Honduras			95.93	4.41	0.52	4.93
   36	El Salvador		25.25	4.1	1.31	5.41
   37	Togo			14.7	5.36	0.33	5.69
   38	Somalia			13.5	5.07	0.72	5.79
   39	Paraguay			336	5.76	0.14	5.90
   40	Jordan			0.88	1.7	4.58	6.27
   41	Moldova			11.65	6.15	0.16	6.31
   42	Lebanon			4.41	2.14	4.3	6.44
   43	Norway			382	2.57	3.99	6.56
   44	Kyrgyzstan		20.58	6.62	0.02	6.64
   45	Haiti			14.03	6.62	0.06	6.69
   46	Burundi			3.6	7.02	0.13	7.16
   47	Zambia			105.2	7.27	0.25	7.52
   48	Laos			333.55	7.44	0.21	7.64
   49	Denmark			6	3.04	4.64	7.68
   50	Azerbaijan			30.28	6.51	1.32	7.83
   51	Hungary			104	6.7	1.29	7.99
   52	Dominican Republic		 21	7.68	0.46	8.14
   53	Rwanda			5.2	8.15	0.27	8.42
   54	Guatemala			111.27	7.3	1.26	8.56
   55	Israel			1.67	2.21	6.37	8.58
   56	Finland			110	5.3	3.63	8.93
   57	Turkmenistan		24.72	8.77	0.18	8.96
   58	Bolivia			622.53	9.21	0.72	9.93
   59	Papua New Guinea		801	5.09	5.07	10.16
   60	Yemen			4.1	6.86	3.84	10.70
   61	Libya			0.6	6.77	3.99	10.76
   62	Benin			24.8	10.52	0.38	10.91
   63	Bulgaria			21.3	9.91	1.42	11.33
   64	Zimbabwe			20	11.77	0.12	11.90
   65	Switzerland		53.5	2.48	9.57	12.05
   66	Chile			922	7.34	4.79	12.13
   67	Belarus			58	9.01	3.73	12.74
   68	Angola			184	11.49	1.52	13.00
   69	Malawi			17.28	12.87	0.13	13.00
   70	Austria			77.7	4.81	8.21	13.02
   71	Sweden			174	6.73	7.64	14.37
   72	Chad			43	14.94	0.09	15.03
   73	Tunisia			4.56	12.63	2.55	15.18
   74	Ecuador			432	14.14	1.12	15.26
   75	Cameroon			285.5	15.26	0.82	16.09
   76	Czech Republic		13.15	11.44	4.7	16.15
   77	Burkina Faso		12.5	16.69	0.34	17.03
   78	Afghanistan		65	16.81	0.48	17.29
   79	Senegal			39.4	15.14	3.02	18.16
   80	Korea, DPR		77.14	16.7	2.07	18.78
   81	Cuba			38.12	17.23	1.9	19.13
   82	Belgium/Luxembourg		21.4	3.76	15.45	19.21
   83	Nepal			210.2	18.66	0.68	19.33
   84	Netherlands		91	3.5	15.91	19.40
   85	Mozambique		216.11	19.43	0.05	19.49
   86	Madagascar		337	19.51	0.3	19.81
   87	Peru			1913	15.44	4.58	20.02 
   88	Cambodia			476.11	20.45	0.54	20.99
   89	Venezuela			1233.17	15.58	5.56	21.14
   90	Kenya			30.2	19.14	2.09	21.23
   91	Mali			100	21.51	0.13	21.64 
   92	Portugal			68.7	10.5	12.13	22.63
   93	Sri Lanka			50	22.13	1.56	23.69
   94	Uzbekistan		50.41	22.76	1.29	24.04
   95	Ghana			53.2	23.65	1.02	24.67
   96	Greece			74.25	16.41	8.8	25.21
   97	Saudi Arabia		2.4	12.21	13.69	25.90
   98	Australia			492	21.77	4.8	26.56
   99	Kazakhstan		109.61	26.6	0.35	26.96
 100	Cote d'Ivoire		81	26.98	1.09	28.06
 101	Syria			26.26	26.24	2.98	29.22
 102	Iraq			75.42	27.23	3.68	30.92
 103	Colombia			2132	28.75	5.3	34.05
 104	Algeria			14.41	24.49	12.21	36.69
 105	Congo DR			1283	36.42	0.47	36.89
 106	Tanzania			91	36.53	0.99	37.51
 107	Romania			211.93	34.6	4.33	38.92
 108	South Africa		50	30.87	8.6	39.47
 109	Poland			61.6	30.36	12.26	42.62
 110	Ethiopia			110	42.46	0.42	42.88
 111	Morocco			29	37.02	6.58	43.60
 112	Argentina			814	48.32	3.34	51.66
 113	Malaysia			580	38.87	15.01	53.89
 114	Korea Republic of		69.7	21.02	34.18	55.20
 115	Canada			2902	49.98	12.81	62.80
 116	Ukraine			139.55	62.41	2.99	65.40
 117	Sudan			64.5	67.7	0.55	68.25
 118	Egypt			58.3	56.37	13.13	69.50
 119	United Kingdom		147	21.67	51.4	73.07
 120	Myanmar ("Burma")		1045.6	74.38	1.11	75.49
 121	Spain			111.5	60.38	33.6	93.98
 122	Iran			137.51	84.24	18.41	102.65
 123	Viet Nam			891.21	100.21	3.12	103.33
 124	Turkey			229.3	92.16	15.79	107.95
 125	France			203.7	69.1	41.09	110.19
 126	Bangladesh		1210.64	112.44	4.05	116.49
 127	Philippines			479	104.4	12.45	116.85
 128	Germany			154	59.86	67.09	126.95
 129	Thailand			409.94	123.24	11.22	134.46
 130	Italy			191.3	65.93	68.67	134.59
 131	Mexico			457.22	98.02	42.14	140.16
 132	Japan			430	51.87	94.22	146.09
 133	Pakistan			222.69	157.34	8.88	166.22
 134	Brazil			8233	215.72	17.87	233.59
 135	Nigeria			286.2	242.17	5.9	248.07
 136	Indonesia			2838	242.3	27.66	269.96
 137	Russia			4507.25	228.85	42.13	270.98
 138	USA			3069.4	565.82	130.19	696.01
 139	China			2896.57	825.94	57.44	883.39
 140	India			1896.66	971.39	15.99	987.38
    Defintion: The water footprint of a country is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the country. Closely linked to the water footprint concept is the virtual water concept. Virtual water is defined as the volume of water required to produce a commodity or service. International trade of commodities implies flows of virtual water over large distances. The water footprint of a nation can be assessed by taking the use of domestic water resources, subtracting the virtual water flow that leaves the country and adding the virtual water flow that enters the country.

    The water footprint concept includes the use of domestic water resources: domestic water withdrawl, crop evapotranpiration for national consumption and for export, industrial water withdrawl for national consumption and for export; use of foreign water resources for national consumption, including agricultural and industrial goods, and for re-export of imported products.

NOTE: The table on this page is re-published from data provided by UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of water footprint information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about national water footprints should be addressed to UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education.

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This page was last modified 4-OCT-08
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