I drew the above graph from the following figures (millions).
Population 1950 2000 2015 2025 2050
---------- ------ ------ ----- ------ ------
World 2,520 6,057 7,207 7,937 9,322
Muslim 361 1,209 1,625 1,921 2,588
These total figures are based on those from the table at: https://photius.com/rankings/world2050_rank.html
For each year I simply added the total population figures of the countries with a majority Muslim population. Although this is not a scientifically accurate way to count Muslims, it gives a reasonable estimate. Countries where Muslims are a minority were excluded, even India, which has about 100 million Muslims. On the other hand, the total population of large countries where Muslims constitute even barely more than half the population, such as Nigeria, were included.