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Hungary Government 1999

    Country name:
    conventional long form: Republic of Hungary
    conventional short form: Hungary
    local long form: Magyar Koztarsasag
    local short form: Magyarorszag

    Data code: HU

    Government type: republic

    Capital: Budapest

    Administrative divisions: 19 counties (megyek, singular—megye), 20 urban counties* (singular—megyei varos), and 1 capital city** (fovaros); Bacs-Kiskun, Baranya, Bekes, Bekescsaba*, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Budapest**, Csongrad, Debrecen*, Dunaujvaros*, Eger*, Fejer, Gyor*, Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hajdu-Bihar, Heves, Hodmezovasarhely*, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Kaposvar*, Kecskemet*, Komarom-Esztergom, Miskolc*, Nagykanizsa*, Nograd, Nyiregyhaza*, Pecs*, Pest, Somogy, Sopron*, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Szeged*, Szekesfehervar*, Szolnok*, Szombathely*, Tatabanya*, Tolna, Vas, Veszprem, Veszprem*, Zala, Zalaegerszeg*

    Independence: 1001 (unification by King Stephen I)

    National holiday: St. Stephen's Day, 20 August (commemorates the coronation of King Stephen in 1000 AD)

    Constitution: 18 August 1949, effective 20 August 1949, revised 19 April 1972; 18 October 1989 revision ensured legal rights for individuals and constitutional checks on the authority of the prime minister and also established the principle of parliamentary oversight; 1997 amendment streamlined the judicial system

    Legal system: in process of revision, moving toward rule of law based on Western model

    Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

    Executive branch:
    chief of state: President Arpad GONCZ (since 3 August 1990; previously interim president since 2 May 1990)
    head of government: Prime Minister Viktor ORBAN (since 6 July 1998)
    cabinet: Council of Ministers elected by the National Assembly on the recommendation of the president
    elections: president elected by the National Assembly for a four-year term; election last held 19 June 1995 (next to be held NA 1999); prime minister elected by the National Assembly on the recommendation of the president
    election results: Arpad GONCZ reelected president; a total of 335 votes were cast by the National Assembly, Arpad GONCZ received 259; Viktor ORBAN elected prime minister; percent of legislative vote—NA

    Legislative branch: unicameral National Assembly or Orszaggyules (386 seats; members are elected by popular vote under a system of proportional and direct representation to serve four-year terms)
    elections: last held on 10 and 24 May 1998 (next to be held May/June 2002)
    election results: percent of vote by party (5% or more of the vote required for parliamentary representation in the first round)—MSZP 32.0%, FIDESZ 28.2%, FKGP 13.8%, SZDSZ 7.9%, MIEP 5.5%, MMP 4.1%, MDF 2.8%, KDNP 2.3%, MDNP 1.5%; seats by party—MSZP 134, FIDESZ 148, FKGP 48, SZDSZ 24, MDF 17, MIEP 14, independent 1; note—the MDF won 17 single-member district seats

    Judicial branch: Constitutional Court, judges are elected by the National Assembly for a nine-year term

    Political parties and leaders: Hungarian Democratic Forum or MDF [Sandor LEZSAK, chairman]; Independent Smallholders or FKGP [Jozsef TORGYAN, president]; Hungarian Socialist Party or MSZP [Laszlo KOVACS, chairman]; Hungarian Civic Party or FIDESZ [Viktor ORBAN, chairman]; Alliance of Free Democrats or SZDSZ [Balint MAGYAR, chairman]; Christian Democratic People's Party or KDNP [Gyorgy GICZY, president]; Hungarian Democratic People's Party or MDNP [Erzebet PUSZTAI, chairman]; Hungarian Justice and Life Party or MIEP [Istvan CSURKA, chairman]; Hungarian Workers' Party or MMP [Gyula THURMER, chairman]
    note: the Hungarian Socialist (Communist) Workers' Party or MSZMP renounced communism and became the Hungarian Socialist Party or MSZP in October 1989; the MDNP was formed in March 1996 by breakaway members of the Hungarian Democratic Forum

    International organization participation: Australia Group, BIS, CCC, CE, CEI, CERN, EAPC, EBRD, ECE, EU (applicant), FAO, G- 9, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICFTU, ICRM, IDA, IEA, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, Inmarsat, Intelsat, Interpol, IOC, IOM, ISO, ITU, MONUA, MTCR, NAM (guest), NEA, NSG, OAS (observer), OECD, OPCW, OSCE, PCA, PFP, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFICYP, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNIKOM, UNMIBH, UNOMIG, UNU, UPU, WEU (associate partner), WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WToO, WTrO, ZC

    Diplomatic representation in the US:
    chief of mission: Ambassador Geza JESZENSZKY
    chancery: 3910 Shoemaker Street NW, Washington, DC 20008
    telephone: [1] (202) 966-7726
    FAX: [1] (202) 686-6412
    consulate(s) general: Los Angeles and New York

    Diplomatic representation from the US:
    chief of mission: Ambassador Peter F. TUFO
    embassy: V. 1054 Szabadsag Ter 12, Budapest
    mailing address: pouch: American Embassy Budapest, Department of State, Washington, DC 20521-5270
    telephone: [36] (1) 267-4400, 269-9331, 269-9339 (after hours)
    FAX: [36] (1) 269-9326

    Flag description: three equal horizontal bands of red (top), white, and green

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