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    Kazakstan Geography 1997

      Location Central Asia, northwest of China

      Geographic coordinates 48 00 N, 68 00 E

      Map references Commonwealth of Independent States

      total : 2,717,300 sq km
      land: 2,669,800 sq km
      water: 47,500 sq km

      Area - comparative slightly less than four times the size of Texas

      Land boundaries
      total: 12,012 km
      border countries: China 1,533 km, Kyrgyzstan 1,051 km, Russia 6,846 km, Turkmenistan 379km, Uzbekistan 2,203 km

      Coastline 0 km (landlocked)
      note: Kazakstan borders the Aral Sea (1,015 km) and the Caspian Sea (1,894km)

      Maritime claims none (landlocked)

      Climate continental, cold winters and hot summers, arid and semiarid

      Terrain extends from the Volga to the Altai Mountains and from the plains inwestern Siberia to oasis and desert in Central Asia

      Elevation extremes
      lowest point : Vpadina Kaundy -132 m
      highest point: Zhengis Shingy 7,439 m

      Natural resources major deposits of petroleum, natural gas, coal, iron ore, manganese,chrome ore, nickel, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, bauxite, gold,uranium

      Land use
      arable land: 12%
      permanent crops: 11%
      permanent pastures: 57%
      forests and woodland : 4%
      other: 16% (1996 est.)

      Irrigated land 22,000 sq km (1996 est.)

      Natural hazards earthquakes in the south, mudslides around Almaty

      Environment - current issues radioactive or toxic chemical sites associated with its former defenseindustries and test ranges are found throughout the country and pose healthrisks for humans and animals; industrial pollution is severe in some cities;because the two main rivers which flowed into the Aral Sea have been divertedfor irrigation, it is drying up and leaving behind a harmful layer of chemicalpesticides and natural salts; these substances are then picked up by the windand blown into noxious dust storms; pollution in the Caspian Sea; soil pollutionfrom overuse of agricultural chemicals and salinization from faulty irrigationpractices

      Environment - international agreements
      party to : Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ship Pollution
      signed, but not ratified: Desertification

      Geography - note landlocked

      NOTE: The information regarding Kazakstan on this page is re-published from the 1997 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Kazakstan Geography 1997 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Kazakstan Geography 1997 should be addressed to the CIA.

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