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    Ukraine Geography 1997

      Location Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Poland and Russia

      Geographic coordinates 49 00 N, 32 00 E

      Map references Commonwealth of Independent States

      total: 603,700 sq km
      land: 603,700 sq km
      water: 0 sq km

      Area - comparative slightly smaller than Texas

      Land boundaries
      total: 4,558 km
      border countries: Belarus 891 km, Hungary 103 km, Moldova 939 km, Poland 428 km, Romania(southwest) 169 km, Romania (west) 362 km, Russia 1,576 km, Slovakia 90 km

      Coastline 2,782 km

      Maritime claims
      continental shelf: 200-m or to the depth of exploitation
      exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
      territorial sea : 12 nm

      Climate temperate continental; Mediterranean only on the southern Crimean coast;precipitation disproportionately distributed, highest in west and north, lesserin east and southeast; winters vary from cool along the Black Sea to coldfarther inland; summers are warm across the greater part of the country, hotin the south

      Terrain most of Ukraine consists of fertile plains (steppes) and plateaus, mountainsbeing found only in the west (the Carpathians), and in the Crimean Peninsulain the extreme south

      Elevation extremes
      lowest point: Black Sea 0 m
      highest point: Hora Hoverla 2,061 m

      Natural resources iron ore, coal, manganese, natural gas, oil, salt, sulfur, graphite,titanium, magnesium, kaolin, nickel, mercury, timber

      Land use
      arable land: 58%
      permanent crops: 2%
      permanent pastures : 13%
      forests and woodland: 18%
      other: 9% (1993 est.)

      Irrigated land 26,050 sq km (1993 est.)

      Natural hazards NA

      Environment - current issues inadequate supplies of potable water; air and water pollution; deforestation;radiation contamination in the northeast from 1986 accident at Chornobyl'Nuclear Power Plant

      Environment - international agreements
      party to: Air Pollution, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Air Pollution-Sulphur85, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Environmental Modification, Marine Dumping, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution
      signed, but not ratified: Air Pollution-Sulphur 94, Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds,Climate Change, Law of the Sea

      Geography - note strategic position at the crossroads between Europe and Asia; second-largestcountry in Europe

      NOTE: The information regarding Ukraine on this page is re-published from the 1997 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Ukraine Geography 1997 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Ukraine Geography 1997 should be addressed to the CIA.

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