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Argentina Communications 1999

    Telephones: 4.6 million (1990)

    Telephone system: 12,000 public telephones; extensive modern system but many families do not have telephones; despite extensive use of microwave radio relay, the telephone system frequently grounds out during rainstorms, even in Buenos Aires
    domestic: microwave radio relay and a domestic satellite system with 40 earth stations serve the trunk network
    international: satellite earth stations—2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean)

    Radio broadcast stations: AM 260 (including 10 inactive stations), FM NA (probably more than 1,000, mostly unlicensed), shortwave 6 (1998 est.)

    Radios: 22.3 million (1991 est.)

    Television broadcast stations: 42 (in addition, there are 444 repeaters) (1997)

    Televisions: 7.165 million (1991 est.)

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