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Hong Kong (special administrative region of China) Geography 1999

    Location: Eastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea and China

    Geographic coordinates: 22 15 N, 114 10 E

    Map references: Southeast Asia

    total: 1,092 sq km
    land: 1,042 sq km
    water: 50 sq km

    Area—comparative: six times the size of Washington, DC

    Land boundaries:
    total: 30 km
    border countries: China 30 km

    Coastline: 733 km

    Maritime claims:
    territorial sea: 3 nm

    Climate: tropical monsoon; cool and humid in winter, hot and rainy from spring through summer, warm and sunny in fall

    Terrain: hilly to mountainous with steep slopes; lowlands in north

    Elevation extremes:
    lowest point: South China Sea 0 m
    highest point: Tai Mo Shan 958 m

    Natural resources: outstanding deepwater harbor, feldspar

    Land use:
    arable land: 6%
    permanent crops: 1%
    permanent pastures: 1%
    forests and woodland: 20%
    other: 72% (1997 est.)

    Irrigated land: 20 sq km (1997 est.)

    Natural hazards: occasional typhoons

    Environment—current issues: air and water pollution from rapid urbanization

    Environment—international agreements:
    party to: NA
    signed, but not ratified: NA

    Geography—note: more than 200 islands

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Revised 1-Mar-99
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