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Lithuania Geography 1999

    Location: Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Latvia and Russia

    Geographic coordinates: 56 00 N, 24 00 E

    Map references: Europe

    total: 65,200 sq km
    land: 65,200 sq km
    water: 0 sq km

    Area—comparative: slightly larger than West Virginia

    Land boundaries:
    total: 1,273 km
    border countries: Belarus 502 km, Latvia 453 km, Poland 91 km, Russia (Kaliningrad) 227 km

    Coastline: 99 km

    Maritime claims:
    territorial sea: 12 nm

    Climate: transitional, between maritime and continental; wet, moderate winters and summers

    Terrain: lowland, many scattered small lakes, fertile soil

    Elevation extremes:
    lowest point: Baltic Sea 0 m
    highest point: Juozapines/Kalnas 292 m

    Natural resources: peat

    Land use:
    arable land: 35%
    permanent crops: 12%
    permanent pastures: 7%
    forests and woodland: 31%
    other: 15% (1993 est.)

    Irrigated land: 430 sq km (1993 est.)

    Natural hazards: NA

    Environment—current issues: contamination of soil and groundwater with petroleum products and chemicals at military bases

    Environment—international agreements:
    party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands
    signed, but not ratified: Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol

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Revised 1-Mar-99
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