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    Guinea-Bissau Geography 2000

      Location: Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Guinea and Senegal

      Geographic coordinates: 12 00 N, 15 00 W

      Map references: Africa

      total: 36,120 sq km
      land: 28,000 sq km
      water: 8,120 sq km

      Area - comparative: slightly less than three times the size of Connecticut

      Land boundaries:
      total: 724 km
      border countries: Guinea 386 km, Senegal 338 km

      Coastline: 350 km

      Maritime claims:
      exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
      territorial sea: 12 nm

      Climate: tropical; generally hot and humid; monsoonal-type rainy season (June to November) with southwesterly winds; dry season (December to May) with northeasterly harmattan winds

      Terrain: mostly low coastal plain rising to savanna in east

      Elevation extremes:
      lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
      highest point: unnamed location in the northeast corner of the country 300 m

      Natural resources: fish, timber, phosphates, bauxite, unexploited deposits of petroleum

      Land use:
      arable land: 11%
      permanent crops: 1%
      permanent pastures: 38%
      forests and woodland: 38%
      other: 12% (1993 est.)

      Irrigated land: 17 sq km (1993 est.)

      Natural hazards: hot, dry, dusty harmattan haze may reduce visibility during dry season; brush fires

      Environment - current issues: deforestation; soil erosion; overgrazing; overfishing

      Environment - international agreements:
      party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Law of the Sea, Wetlands
      signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements

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    Revised 01-Nov-00
    Copyright © 2000 Photius Coutsoukis (all rights reserved)