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    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Geography 2000

      Location: Caribbean, islands in the Caribbean Sea, north of Trinidad and Tobago

      Geographic coordinates: 13 15 N, 61 12 W

      Map references: Central America and the Caribbean

      total: 389 sq km (Saint Vincent 344 sq km)
      land: 389 sq km
      water: 0 sq km

      Area - comparative: twice the size of Washington, DC

      Land boundaries: 0 km

      Coastline: 84 km

      Maritime claims:
      contiguous zone: 24 nm
      continental shelf: 200 nm
      exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
      territorial sea: 12 nm

      Climate: tropical; little seasonal temperature variation; rainy season (May to November)

      Terrain: volcanic, mountainous

      Elevation extremes:
      lowest point: Caribbean Sea 0 m
      highest point: Soufriere 1,234 m

      Natural resources: hydropower, cropland

      Land use:
      arable land: 10%
      permanent crops: 18%
      permanent pastures: 5%
      forests and woodland: 36%
      other: 31% (1993 est.)

      Irrigated land: 10 sq km (1993 est.)

      Natural hazards: hurricanes; Soufriere volcano on the island of Saint Vincent is a constant threat

      Environment - current issues: pollution of coastal waters and shorelines from discharges by pleasure yachts and other effluents; in some areas, pollution is severe enough to make swimming prohibitive

      Environment - international agreements:
      party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Whaling
      signed, but not ratified: Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol

      Geography - note: the administration of the islands of the Grenadines group is divided between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada

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