Prime Min. | Abdelillah BENKIRANE |
Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries | Aziz AKHANNOUCH |
Min. of Communications & Govt. Spokesperson | Mustapha EL KHALFI |
Min. of Culture | Mohamed Amine SBIHI |
Min. of Economy & Finance | Mohamed BOUSSAID |
Min. of Energy, Mines, Water, & Environment | Abdelkader AMARA |
Min. of Equipment & Transport | Aziz RABBAH |
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation | Salaheddine MEZOUAR |
Min. of Habous & Islamic Affairs | Ahmed TOUFIQ |
Min. of Handicrafts, Social Economy, & Solidarity Economy | Fatema MAROUANE |
Min. of Health | El Hossein EL OUARDI |
Min. of Higher Education, Scientific Research, & Executive Training | Lahcen DAOUDI |
Min. of Housing, Town Planning, & Urban Policy | Nabil BENABDELLAH |
Min. of Industry, Trade, & New Technologies | Moulay Hafid ELALAMY |
Min. of Interior | Mohamed HASSAD |
Min. of Justice & Liberties | Mustafa RAMID |
Min. of Labor & Vocational Training | Abdesslam SEDDIKI |
Min. of Moroccan Expatriates & Migration Affairs | Anis BIROU |
Min. of National Education | Rachid BELMOKHTAR |
Min. of Planning & Development | Mohand LAENSAR |
Min. of Solidarity, Women, Family, & Social Development | Bassima HAKKAOUI |
Min. of State | Abdellah BAHA |
Min. of Tourism | Lahcen HADDAD |
Min. of Youth & Sport | Mohammed OUZZINE |
Min. for Relations With Parliament | Lahbib CHOUBANI |
Sec. Gen. of the Govt. | Driss DAHAK |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Economy & Finance in Charge of the Budget | Idriss Azami AL IDRISSI |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Energy, Mines, Water, & Environment for the Environment | Hakima EL HITI |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Energy, Mines, Water, & Environment for Water | Charafat AFILAL |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation | Mbarka BOUAIDA |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Higher Education, Scientific Research, & Executive Training | Soumiya BENKHALDOUN |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Industry, Trade, & New Technologies for SMEs & the Integration of the Informal Sector | Mamoun BOUHADHOUD |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Industry, Trade, & New Technologies for Foreign Trade | Mohamed ABBOU |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics for Transport | Mohamed Najib BOULIF |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Interior | Draiss CHARKI |
Min.-Del. to the Min. of National Education | Abdeladim GUERROUJ |
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. for Civil Service & Modernization of Public Admin. | Mohamed MOUBDII |
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. for National Defense | Abdellatif LOUDIYI |
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. in Charge of General Affairs & Governance | Mohamed EL OUAFA |
Governor, Bank al-Magrib | Abdellatif JOUAHRI |
Ambassador to the US | Mohammed Rachad BOUHLAL |
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York | Omar HILALE |
NOTE: The information regarding Morocco on this page is re-published from the 2015 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Morocco Chiefs 2015 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Morocco Chiefs 2015 should be addressed to the CIA.
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This page was last modified 02-Mar-15