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Cyprus military 1999

    Military branches: Greek Cypriot area: Greek Cypriot National Guard (GCNG; includes air and naval elements), Hellenic Forces Regiment on Cyprus (ELDYK), Greek Cypriot Police; Turkish Cypriot area: Turkish Cypriot Security Force (TCSF), Turkish Forces Regiment on Cyprus (KTKA), Turkish mainland army units

    Military manpower—military age: 18 years of age

    Military manpower—availability:
    males age 15-49: 194,337 (1999 est.)

    Military manpower—fit for military service:
    males age 15-49: 133,559 (1999 est.)

    Military manpower—reaching military age annually:
    males: 6,410 (1999 est.)

    Military expenditures—dollar figure: $405 million (1996)

    Military expenditures—percent of GDP: 5.4% (1996)

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Revised 1-Mar-99
Copyright © 1999 Photius Coutsoukis (all rights reserved)