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Vietnam Communications 1999

    Telephones: 800,000 (1995 est.)

    Telephone system: while Vietnam's telecommunication sector lags far behind other countries in Southeast Asia, Hanoi has made considerable progress since 1991 in upgrading the system; Vietnam has digitized all provincial switch boards, while fiber-optic and microwave transmission systems have been extended from Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City to all provinces; the density of telephone receivers nationwide doubled from 1993 to 1995, but is still far behind other countries in the region; Vietnam's telecommunications strategy aims to increase telephone density to 30 per 1,000 inhabitants by the year 2000 and authorities estimate that approximately $2.7 billion will be spent on telecommunications upgrades through the end of the decade
    domestic: NA
    international: satellite earth stations—2 Intersputnik (Indian Ocean region)

    Radio broadcast stations: AM NA, FM 228, shortwave 0

    Radios: 7.215 million (1992 est.)

    Television broadcast stations: NA

    Televisions: 2.9 million (1992 est.)

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